- Industry: Insurance
- Size: Between 200 – 500 employees
- Zone: Spain
- Products: GlobalSuite® Risk Management / GlobalSuite® Audit Management. Training and parameterization
- Main regulations: COSO, UNE-ISO 31000, Crime Prevention
Mutua Montañesa
Mutua Montañesa

Mutua Montañesa is a Collaborating Entity with the Social Security, constituted as an association of non-profit entrepreneurs, from all areas of economic activity.
Mutua Montañesa fully manages the contingencies derived from accidents at work and occupational diseases and the economic benefits related to temporary disability due to common contingencies, as well as those other benefits entrusted by the Social Security. Since its foundation in 1905, its commitment is to offer the highest quality of service and optimal advice, managing health in the workplace.
As for its certifications, Mutua Montañesa has a series of certifications and recognitions that demonstrate its commitment to Quality and Excellence. Highlights include the European Certificate of Excellence 500+, the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate, a criminal compliance management system adapted to the UNE standard 19601:2017 “Criminal Compliance Management Systems”, certified UNE-ISO 31000: 2018 and the Distinctive Equality in the company, awarded by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
Challenges and scope of the project
The implementation project of GlobalSuite® has been carried out with the Audit and Risk Management area of Mutua Montañesa.
The objectives of the project were the Automation and Centralization of the Management Systems of Mutua Montañesa, integrating the activities of risk management, internal control and internal audit. All this through the implementation of GlobalSuite software.
Below, we review the key elements that were achieved:
- Improvement in the monitoring of the actions and monitoring of the different processes of Mutua Montañesa.
- Centralization of information , saving time and facilitating audits and systematic review.
- Updated information on the situation of Mutua Montañesa, with information on the risks of the processes and action plans undertaken.
- Preparation of reports corresponding to the three management areas (risk maps, internal control and audit), as well as differentiated vision of corporate risks and criminal risks (contained in the “Crime Prevention Plan”).
- Global and optimized vision of what happens on a single platform.
“The GlobalSuite Solutions team has fulfilled the objective of the project by accompanying us from the beginning. Today we use the solution in our day to day and we have noticed the labor savings, the follow-up of the “audit recommendations” and the action plans”
Cristian Bringas Puente
Internal Auditor en Mutua Montañesa
Cristian Bringas Puente
Internal Auditor en Mutua Montañesa
The GlobalSuite Solutions team helped meet the key requirements of the project:
- Support in the parameterization and configuration to structure the appropriate methodology of Risk Analysis, Management of Controls and action plans, Recommendations and Audits in GlobalSuite®.
- Training for the transfer of knowledge to the Mutua Montañesa team with the aim of being able to implement its Risk Management, Internal Control and Internal Audit system.
- Download a multitude of reports and graphs with the results obtained in risk analysis, action plans, audits, etc.
- Preparation of specialized reports through PowerBI, with the aim of extracting valuable information to support decision making.
To meet the objectives of the project, different training sessions and knowledge transfer adapted to the particular needs of Mutua Montañesa were carried out.
Para culminar el proyecto, Mutua Montañesa activó los mecanismos para que los responsables de Proceso actualizaran la información directamente sobre GlobalSuite®, apoyándose en la solución para la gestión diaria de sus actividades con un resultado satisfactorio evitando duplicidad de tareas y los silos de información.
Likewise, GlobalSuite® allows the download of several types of reports other than the results obtained in the risk analysis, graphs, audits, etc., thus facilitating the work prior to the certification audit and also the support throughout the processes of the ISO 31000 certification audit.